How can I prevent moisture intrusion in Calcium Silicate Board Pizza Oven?

Here are some tips to help prevent moisture intrusion in a calcium silicate board pizza oven:

Use high temperature caulk/sealant around all joints and seams

This creates an airtight seal to block moisture entry points.

Install a vented door/opening at the base

Allows moisture from cooking/carryout to escape and prevents condensation buildup.

Insulate the door frame and any openings

Moisture can enter where insulation meets framing, so seal these connections well.

Apply high heat paint/coating to exposed boards

An additional moisture barrier protects cut edges and surfaces exposed to steam/splashes.

Slope floor boards inward slightly

Allows any incidental water/grease to naturally drain outward rather than pool inward.

Direct oven exhaust upward and outdoors

Carry moist air out and away rather than circulating it indoors.

Use a moisture absorber like DampRid inside

Helps prevent humid cooking air from condensing within enclosed oven space.

Check seals annually and re-apply caulk as needed

Over time, seals may dry/crack so need occasional reapplication.

Consider venting the roof/ceiling area as well

Anymoisture that does get inside needs an exit point rather than being trapped.

Staying proactive about moisture control helps calcium silicate boards’ natural mold and humidity resistance last longer.